On behalf of Cooper & Tanis, P.C. posted in divorce on Friday, May 6, 2016.
The end of a marriage often involves hurt feelings and significant emotional conflict. With technology being everywhere, it may be tempting to vent online about the various things that are taking place. Doing so can be very detrimental to Colorado couples both during and after the divorce.
When people post about what’s going on in their lives on social media, via email or text messages, they are creating a record of everything that happens. Some things can be damaging, and what is said could be taken out of context. While ranting about hurt feelings may make a person feel better for a short time, it may be much worse if that post is read by the estranged spouse or their children.
Trying to take the high road and make it through a divorce with personal integrity intact might be the best approach. People should realize that seemingly innocuous things, such as tagged photos of parties or pictures from vacations, may come back to haunt them. It may be a good idea for people to try to avoid talking about their divorce cases all together on social media, via email or text message while the cases are proceeding.
Most people share a lot about themselves online without really thinking it through. A divorce is not a good time to do this, however. If a person needs to vent, it is better if to do it in real life to a close friend, a therapist or a family member. People who are planning to file for divorce may want to talk to a family law attorney about the types of statements and posts they should avoid making while the divorce is proceeding.