On behalf of Cooper & Tanis, P.C. posted in divorce on Thursday, June 11, 2015.
It is well known that divorce can be expensive. In fact, this is the case with most complex legal matters. But we say “can be” expensive rather than “is” expensive because couples often have more control over their divorce costs than they realize.
Certainly, there are attorney fees to consider, but this is just one of many expenses. In today’s post, we’ll discuss some of the other financial costs associated with divorce and how you could potentially save money in these areas (when possible).
First, there are costs associated with going through the legal process itself. Court filing fees may be a nominal cost of a few hundred dollars. Colorado’s filing fee is currently around $230. If you hire a process server to hand-deliver divorce papers to your spouse, there is a cost associated with this as well.
You may need to hire other professionals in addition to your attorney if your divorce is complex, involves significant assets or is particularly acrimonious. Some professionals will work directly with your attorney and others will not. The list could include:
- A forensic accountant (to help simplify financial matters and uncover hidden assets)
- Mental health professionals (to help you work through divorce-related emotional issues)
- A mediator (if you choose collaborative or mediated divorce)
- A parent coordinator (in certain child custody cases)
Finally, a word about how you may be able to keep overall divorce costs low. Most professionals (including attorneys) bill based on the time they spend on your case. Being as efficient as possible during the divorce process can ensure that you are not billed for more time than is actually needed. A few time-saving tips include:
- Limiting appointments, calls and emails with your attorney to only what is necessary and relevant to your case
- Helping your attorney and other professionals by finding and providing important financial documents, tax documents and other information
- Not arguing with your spouse during mediation sessions, especially arguments about ownership of low-cost and easily replaceable possessions
- Focusing on finalizing the divorce rather than “winning” the divorce
Hopefully, these tips give you a better sense of how you can get divorced while maintaining some control over the costs you incur. If you are ready to get started or have additional questions, please contact an experienced family law attorney.