Prompt, Effective Counsel In Domestic Violence Cases
Domestic violence in Colorado is a serious problem, and the police and courts in the Denver area absolutely treat it that way. This means that if you are living in fear for your own or your children’s safety, you should seek reliable legal guidance on your options right away.
Protecting Victims Of Family And Spousal Abuse
At Tanis McGonegal Family Law, P.C., in Broomfield, our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to help you file for a civil protection order if your circumstances justify that action.
Oftentimes, abusers will use violence or threats in an effort to influence the outcome of a divorce, especially when child custody matters are at stake. If you are going through a divorce and are the victim of domestic violence, we will work hard to help protect at all stages of the divorce process.
Contact Our Lawyers If You Are Suffering From Domestic Abuse
Our more than 80 years of combined experience is an asset for families who are suffering from domestic violence. We are committed to helping protect you and your loved ones. For a free, brief telephone consultation with one of our attorneys, please call (303) 465-4605. You may also contact us online to schedule an appointment to discuss your situation.